I can defeat them all!

Well hello everyone! Great to see you again!

I have made some progress getting into Godot. Which isn't as hard as I thought, but while learning to code. Now that's a different page.

Over the last weeks I concentrated on the enemy so they have collision with the bullets now and can die now from being hit. Headshots are implemented as well.

I also created a few guns to switch around besides the wand.

The next thing was to get into the Animation Tree as well as the Animation Player so I could animate the humanoids and tween between the different states and also could create the different states for the gun. Also made use of the signals to communicate between the different parts of the game objects. Also calling functions within an animaiton is very nice. Just helping me feeling more home with a game engine, just like Unity used to feel =D

Also thank you Legion Games for that great FPS tutorial. Helps me so much to get used to this new game engine. If you need to get a boost into Godot, that channel is just a speedrun. https://www.youtube.com/@legiongames2400

This is just a quick one so I will just give you the clip to watch:

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